The art of hydration - starting a new era of luxery

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Luxury and the protection of the environment do not always go hand in hand. Bottled water that is sourced from a remote island or location and then transported thousands of kilometres to consumers has a huge environmental impact, not only in terms of carbon footprint, but also when it comes to waste.

Let’s take a moment and dive into the fascinating world of diamonds. What words come to your mind? One thing is clear: They hold a unique place in the world of luxury and continue to captivate people around the world. Both today and in the future, they embrace a novel path on a pink mission to sustainability.

Let’s take a moment and dive into the fascinating world of diamonds. What words come to your mind? One thing is clear: They hold a unique place in the world of luxury and continue to captivate people around the world. Both today and in the future, they embrace a novel path on a pink mission to sustainability.

DIAMOND MINERALIZED WATER was born from a simple yet powerful vision: to provide luxurious, mineralized, and resource-efficient water by using locally available water. The result: a sensory experience that engages your senses – smooth, velvety sparkling, tasty.

Gone are the days when we had to make a trade-off between indulging in luxury and protecting our environment. Today, we have the incredible opportunity to indulge in experiences that ignite all our senses, while also prioritizing the well-being of our planet and the prosperity of future generations.

Imagine slowly pouring the most luxurious water and watching it cascade with grace, creating a liquid masterpiece of art. The very act of filling your glass with this DIAMOND MINERALIZED WATER is a celebration of life's most exquisite pleasures, an experience that goes beyond mere hydration. The ambience is visionary, reminiscent of a breathtaking dining location.

DIAMOND MINERALIZED WATER has found its way into the pink world of BWT, which is characterized by great visions beyond water. BWT - Europe's market leader in water treatment and co-initiator of Living Tomorrow - has ignited a new hydration lifestyle that's redefining the standards of luxury, sustainability, and wellness. Driven by a dream to create a product that combines the best of nature and science, art and design, passion, purpose, and the best of your home, BWT is thrilled to introduce an epitome of hydration excellence.

It is also the perfect choice for hotels and restaurants looking to offer their guests a truly exceptional and memorable experience. The latest highlight: DIAMOND MINERALIZED WATER at the Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus, literally at the highest level. The exclusive new lifestyle of hydration elevates every dining experience and enhances the experience at this signature restaurant. Each sip is a moment of indulgence and elegance that brings the future into our present, accompanied by breathtaking views over dazzling Brussels.

Shaping a sparkling future

Sip by Sip to the highest way of living: We are gifted with an extraordinary opportunity to shape a world that sparkles with luxury. The magic lies in our ability to have an option that protects the environment, ensures a sustainable legacy for generations to come, while enhancing our personal lives with diamond(s), day after day.

In other words: Choose DIAMOND MINERALIZED WATER and indulge in the art of hydration while being part of a movement to Change the World - sip by sip. Are you ready for your new lifestyle's best friend?

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